Friday, May 30, 2008

More "Forum" shots

Here's another of the cast and crew. All very serious people, I might add.
"Sex and the City" THE MOVIE opens tonight! I'm hoping to see it next week. Some of the gals from the show are going tomorrow night. I will be spending the day/night at a Brownie event with my daughter.
Can't wait to see my "girls" again!
Now where is the DEET and the sunblock?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


is a blog that I randomly clicked on. It is a collection of Beatles photos - and others in the TWs such as Tom Petty, Dylan and Jeff Lynne ...but in what appears to be RUSSIAN. The cool things you find on the internet, eh??

Have a good day!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dirt under my nails

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Gee...are you supposed to say "happy..?" Never really understood that. Whatever.

I was on a mission of mercy today. My hubby and I rescued some peonies that were about to be euthanized! Friends are turning their loverly English garden into a veggie patch and everything must go! They have a long patch of gorgeous peonies and I just couldn't stand the thought of them being destroyed.

So we have just completed planting three large garbage bags full around our house. We would have taken more but for the room in the car!

My husband thinks I'm nuts, I'm sure. Sigh. If only I could have taken the whole lot...

Let's hope they don't look around and die right there in their new plots.

I also cooked some mean ribs, made a lovely chocolate/peanut butter pie and sat with my mother over Tetley tea.

A nice day, all in all.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Hi there.

It's mid week and I am already a bit loose ends. It's funny, really. When I am crazy busy I am complaining about time off...time out. Here I am, with a little bit of uncategorized time and I am ...well...down. Is anyone else like that? (Rhetorical question, as my daughter points out, is one I expect no answer to.)

Plus I awoke this morning with my vocal chords seemingly wrapped in wool gak. Why is it the minute I am through a project -or two - my body breaks down? I was still able to teach the Montessori classes today but I sounded funky.

Why do we get so brainwashed in this country regarding our time and what we are worth? If one is a bit leisurely, at all, we are deemed unworthy and non-productive. It's a red badge of courage to say..."oh I'd love to but I am soooooo busy these days.." When was the last time anyone said to you..."well, actually, I'm coasting a bit right now and listening to my inner voice..."


I need to garden. That's it. Get quiet, dig in the earth and "be" for a bit. It's been a bit too cold for that recently. I need to get back to listening.

I have gotten onto an amazing series - HBO series - called "Big Love". Don't know how long it's been out or how long it's been running but I have watched 6 episodes so far and I am completely hooked. If you haven't seen it here is a Readers Digest version.... Bill ("in case you didn't notice we got our asses kicked out there, pal!") Paxton as head of a polygamist family in Sandy, Utah. He is associated with two rival compounds of polygamists as well. These are characters you have NEVER seen on television....outside of the news, that is! Wonderful casting, twisting story lines and some really wild characters! Check it out.

On the horizon, I do have a concert I am doing with Stephen. June 22nd, I think. Lots of music to learn as well as some French. Things will heat up soon enough.


Why can't be happy with where I am this moment???? I talk about it all the time and, sometimes, I can do it. Btw, I do welcome any and all comments, should ya'll feel moved.
Not today. Better luck tomorrow!

Monday, May 19, 2008

More "Forum" shots

Well, the run finally ended. Sixteen performances later and approximately 2200 patrons that laughed at our antics. What a fun time! The spoof that traditionally followed, at the cast party closing night, was so incredibly witty and outrageous.....we screamed with laughter!
From the ridiculous to the sublime... Saturday night closing night performance, cast party and falling into bed at around 3a.m. Sunday, early call at church in preparation for a concert, later that evening, with Jackson and Almeda Berkey -
These two are members of Mannheim Steamroller and amazing musicians. The choir of JAPC did a program of choral music and a work by Jackson called "South Dakota Shadows". An amazing 30 minute piece for choir, soloist, reader, keyboards, piano, bass and string quartet. Studding beautiful. The concert was part of the music series offered by the church. The audience ate it up. All based on regional poetry, Jackson was commissioned to do the work to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of South Dakota.
Check out the Berkeys' website for more information. I'll type more about it but now...
off to bed!!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum"

Here are some fun shots from backstage at the show. Here I am with Senex, (Barry) my husband. The shot to the right is at one of the many cast parties. This is the closing weekend and I will be sorry to see us close up shop. With 13 performances behind and three more to go, it's been a learning experience and a pleasure to be with this group of talented actors. Thanks Players!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A glass half full

Sometimes it's hard to remember that we are just so damn lucky. When bills come due and calls from debt collectors make the phone ring from morning till night. When we turn on the TV and see yet another story on the "Race for '08!" Yikes! When a trip to the pump means calculating in your head just how far we have to drive this week...and where we won't be going.
And then I watch the early morning news and I see people sobbing over the bodies of children pulled from a school in China. Thousands of people who have lost everything - meaning their loved ones. In Myanmar, in China, in Iraq.
I realize that all my worries are ones I can deal with. I can tune out the phone. I can call the people to whom I owe money and work out a deal. Blah, blah, blah.
I can kiss and snuggle my daughter tonight as I put her in her safe, comfortable bed. I can kiss my husband goodnight and not worry that soldiers will drag him out of bed in the middle of the night. I can lie awake and listen to the blissful silence of my family at rest. This is the thought/prayer that runs through my head most every night.
Father, Mother, prayer today is to be always thankful for the life I have, for the love I have. I ask that everyone in this world be given the chance, the privilege of deep and restful sleep in dry, warm, safe and comfortable beds. I ask that You help us to remember how LUCKY we really are. Every day. Please, please pour Your love over the people who are empty wells of despair today.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008


This is a shot of the Malster and I. As usual, she is cracking me up. This was taken last summer.
She is my favorite person to be with - who is under 10.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Whoa Nellie! This is where I get off!

What a day! My in-laws travelled in on Friday and since they have been here they have

A: attended my show - a production of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" - a sold-out performance I'd like to add.
B: been to a church service to hear their son play and their daughter-in-law sing.
C: attended a lecture given by said son on the music of Charles-Marie Widor and listened to him play the entire symphony that included the infamous "Toccata".
and D: watched their "new" granddaughter play in her first ever piano recital.


I think they are ready to head home tomorrow. They can't keep going at this pace!!

On to another subject under the clique heading of "one door closing and another opening..."

Several weeks ago I lost a friend to HIV/AIDS. I had lost track of him the last several years but he was in my heart because of many wonderful years we spent together making music and art together. When he passed I contacted some friends from that time in our lives - college days and such. Today I got to speak to an old friend of mine that I lost track of some 25 years ago! Blows my mind to think of it. This is someone who also remained in my heart all these years and I knew that - SOMEDAY - we would find each other again and say HEY BABE! WHAT THE F**K???

Love those meetings!

Since he lives on the west coast it will have to be a phone hug but I can't wait to find out how he's been doing the "life thang" all these years.

When I was a little girl I believed that I had a "Circle of Friends". If I thought about it hard enough I would say that it was a belief in reincarnation before I knew what it meant. I would meet someone and, occasionally, I would connect with them right away and know that they were part of the "circle".

Looking forward to talking and checking in on this circle pal.

Hey Daryl! WHAT THE F**K????


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tired but happy

It's late and I am tired. A "good" tired. Today was filled with family, work and performing. That's a nice combo.

My in-laws came from up north and, along with other family members and my daughter, husband and mother, all came to see my show. It was a sold out performance and the crowd was really with us! It was great to hear everyone laughing and applauding. The cast really did well.

And I love the fact that my daughter thinks I'm "cool" least for now.



Friday, May 2, 2008


HI BLOGGER FOLKS!!!! What does a girl have to do to get NOTICED??????

This is a silly, sassy photo of me and my gal pal, "Q". She came to my show last night and as we sat around talking we realized we've known each other for THIRTY YEARS.


"...Forum" is going very well. In fact, I think my friend Karen may have posted my song, from the show, on YouTube today. Haven't tried to pull it up but if you search for "Dirty Old Man" you'll find it. She posts under the name...Pottery59. (As a sideline, if you plug in Netman21 you can see my friend, Kori, and I singing at my wedding. Check out "Sisters" under the same contributor name.)

Come see the show, if you can! It runs every Thursday - Sunday (8pm and 2pm Sundays) through May 17th. It's a really fun romp!