Friday, January 16, 2009

School is closed!

This is how it feels outside today! Happy Winter, Michigan. Wow. I think the actual temperature was -6 or something but the Wind Chill Factor was something like -40 so NO SCHOOL TODAY! I'm almost as excited as Mal! Of course, it means I am wide awake and up and about. No sleeping in for me, I'm afraid. My little brain starts whirring like a squirrel in a cage. I do love these quiet mornings!

And it always makes me think "grateful" thoughts. Grateful for the comfort of my family on such a cold day. The quiet of my house intensified by the quiet upstairs - husband and child safe and warm in their beds. I think of all those, in this world, with no such luxury. No safety and no warmth to allow them to relax and dream. I think about that alot.

Then there's the food in my fridge. I went grocery shopping yesterday and brought my housebound mum food as well. Lots of food to prepare, at my leisure... Another luxury in this world, yeah?

The warmth, too, is a gift. I was able to pay the DTE bill yesterday. Lots of folks in the cold this morning and I think on them too.

I thank God for my wonderful husband. To be loved is an amazing thing and I wasn't sure I'd be given this gift again. Whew.

I am grateful for the health and well-being of my child. She is optimistic, talented and aware. Healthy too. How many out there are caring for ill children? God bless you! How many are at bedsides...or gravesides today...? Thank you God!

I think of my ex who is trapped in a world of depression and darkness and I am grateful to be....grateful!

So, now you can understand why I am up and drinking coffee on a cold, dark, snowy morning.

Thanks for reading. What makes you grateful?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Betty on the Episcopalians!

My friend, James, posted this on Facebook and it's a scream!

Embedded Video

Monday, January 12, 2009

A close encounter.....!!!

It's been a little while since I wrote here. I didn't have a lot to say, I guess. Then BAM! Here's a story for ya!

I was on the road to visit my good friend, Q, who lives in Rochester Hills. On the drive up, I was chatting with my husband on the phone. Got off the freeway and was sitting at the light at University and Squirrel. (Did I mention this was 9:30 in the morning?) I had just put down the phone and was preparing to shift as the light changed when BAM!!!!!!!! I look up in shock, wondering what truck hit me and ...nothing! I look left - I look right - and see THREE DEER running like hell across the hill. WHOA! One or two of them ran, through traffic, and hit my car. Totaled the side mirror - that flew off and crashed into a million pieces - crunched the side panels of the drivers' side.... Turns out to be abut $2300 in damages.

Funny, when you think we had just driven home from up north the week dusk! Ya know dusk and dawn are the best time to view deer ... UP THERE!!!

I was a bit shaken, to say the least. I immediately pulled into the circle drive of Oakland University - just ahead of me - and called my husband back. He did his best to calm me down as I went into shock.

I was able to pull myself together and make it to Q's house some 2-3 miles away.

Q showed me this article....

Whoa. Turns out the city is NUMBER ONE in deer related accidents. Wow. The body shop I took my car to said they fix 100 cars a year that have had a run in with deer.

If you look closely at the photos of the car door handles you will see bits of fur!

I was all for protesting this deal in Rochester but, after first hand knowledge of the problem, I can see the point of city government. Cull the herd and feed the people.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pray for peace, people everywhere

A new year and I feel behind already. I have no real "plan" for the outline. Geez. I really feel I need to spend some time writing and deciding what I want to do and be this year.

I know I need to carve out some self love time. I need to plan my meals. Plan some cultural time. Plan to read some really good books. I need to decide on an exercise regime.

I need to think about my guilt as being both mom and dad now that my ex has fallen out of the picture again. I know my lovely husband does his best but I do feel alot falls on me to make things happen. In looking over last years' planning calendar it looks as if Mal only spent 5 or 6 full weekends with her father ALL YEAR. There were long stretches where there was no contact. Perhaps nearly 3 months in total.


Compassion work seems to be high on the to-do list.
