Lovely morning, here on the porch, enjoying a thunderstorm as I sit and do some work. It was a terrific start and now has been reduced to a sprinkling. The humidity has risen so it's not as comfortable as at the start. It's quiet and I am really enjoying the sounds around me...the rain, the birds....sigh. As quirky as my old house is there is nothing like a quiet morning on my porch - our expanded living room in the summer - to slow my pulse rate and get my heart and head on the same page
Still on the FM Diet (read below for explanation). Down 20 and it is a slow process. However, I am determined and steadfast in my regimen - mostly. I have discovered I need to add in a bit of a sweet, now and then, and a glass of really good red wine, on occasion.
There has been good news on several fronts this morning. First off, Stephen's first major project, under the his new LLC, has begun and that is very exciting. Secondly, my best friend, Michele, has landed a dream job after a long torturous year of extreme ups and downs. Here is her blog.
And it looks as if my father-in-law may be one step closer to being cancer-free. Now THAT'S exciting.
Oh and I hear there is a new Prince in the Realm!
See? Good news all around.