Monday, November 5, 2007

Where I wish I was

This is a photo of my daughter on the beach of my childhood. In fact, this could be a photo of me! I've spent alot of time on this beach looking out over Lake Michigan. We Great Lakes folks are a breed apart. I understand those ocean lovers out there but my heart remains here in the fresh water waves of the North.
Luckily, I married a man who loves this area as well. We share a geographical love...sigh. This area of the world really speaks to us and we feel so "at home" here.
I am so glad it "speaks" to my daughter as well. Where do you let out a sigh of relief? Where do you feel at peace? Where does your mind wander when you catch a scent on the wind or a sound triggers a thought...?
Right here. To the beach I land.
Happy wanderings!

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