Gripes. Here are a few of mine. I hate it when people talk to kids like they are stupid. I mean like......elementary school aged children. My ex has put us through Hell and still thinks we shouldn't talk about these things to our 8 year old. Like she has no perception of what's happening around her. Like she can't feel when Mom is upset?
I don't know how close you are to your children but they know, right? Don't get me wrong, I am not a huge Drama Queen (in real life) so if I lose it when my kid is around.... I am having a hard time. Why do we feel we need to shield our kids from EVERYTHING? Like Life is just one lovely walk in the park? Whoa.
Isn't there some happy medium? I think I'd rather my kid have some information than left to wonder..."is it me?"
Here's another. Do we give kids too many chances? I mean...when they screw up do we say...okay THIS time for sure....? Do we set them up for big falls in Life when they get a resounding NO out there in the cold cruel WORLD? How do they cope if they have never had to deal with it in a controlled environment?
Sigh. I love my child as much as anyone else loves their flesh and blood. It just BUGS me when adults can't walk in their children's shoes for a moment. For a MINUTE.
How do we explain accountability when our Mayor and his Girlfriend lie under oath and then get busted big time? When do adults have to own up and BECOME ADULTS? When do we have to own up to petty behaviour worthy of a 6 year old? I must admit I have had my share of petty, pouty behavior but it doesn't last long and it's usually done in private. I realize....All right, you've had your 15 minutes.. GET OFF THE PITY POT AND MOVE ON.
Wow, can it be that some adults don't know they are whiners? Maybe, huh?
That sucks.
There's a BIG difference between whining and venting. Blogs are great for venting, aren't they? Hope you have a better Tuesday.
Venting is good....very good!
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