This is a silly, sassy photo of me and my gal pal, "Q". She came to my show last night and as we sat around talking we realized we've known each other for THIRTY YEARS.
"...Forum" is going very well. In fact, I think my friend Karen may have posted my song, from the show, on YouTube today. Haven't tried to pull it up but if you search for "Dirty Old Man" you'll find it. She posts under the name...Pottery59. (As a sideline, if you plug in Netman21 you can see my friend, Kori, and I singing at my wedding. Check out "Sisters" under the same contributor name.)
Come see the show, if you can! It runs every Thursday - Sunday (8pm and 2pm Sundays) through May 17th. It's a really fun romp!
The Youtube videos are actually under my name, Pottery59, not my husbands, netman21. I'm in the process of uploading the third video as we speak. It takes a looooooonnnnngggg time for them to upload. If you search on Rose Randall Warner you should find all a little while. It is 2:17 pm Friday. The third should be there in about 20 minutes or so.
Rose, it was a fantastic show packed with a ton of vocal talent. Richard wants to take Sarah to see it now. You were great! What a voice!
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