Thursday, October 11, 2007

Amy the Cat

My cat thinks she's a stuffed animal. Can you pick her out of the group? She's on the far right.....

So many folks believe that cats are standoffish and can take or leave the human touch. Our cat thrives on it, demands it and disfigures herself when deprived of it! Yup, she licks her fur off when left alone too long. In short, I have a needy, slightly neurotic pet.

Sigh. I suppose it could be worse. She could tear into the garbage or pee on the floor.

Animals do have a way of calming you down. At least, that's my experience with cats. We have a gerbil too but it's not the same. Sure, she's cute and all but it's not like she'll stand for any cuddling. Amy is a first rate cuddler.

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