Monday, October 15, 2007

It IS the little things!

Who said..."Don't sweat the small stuff?" Anyone know? I'm not sure you want to worry about them but it sure does pay to appreciate them. I mean, really, isn't Life just a bunch of "small stuff"?
Look at this photo. It's small stuff...a Saturday morning drinking coffee and reading on our porch. These are two loved ones. Is it sheer bliss? Nope. Does it give me a warm feeling inside to look at this and remember the cozy factor? You bet. It's a small moment in time but it is big in that it is a small chunk of the iceberg that is the love I feel for these two. The iceberg that includes our home and our life within those walls. Hey, aren't icebergs fragile????? Sure are.
One thing I have learned in this walk, so far, is that life is made up of those BIG moments. The ones that really alter our DNA. Those, thankfully, are few and far between. (Unless you are a crazymaker and then it's a different story. Ever lived with one of those? I have.) It's the little moments when you look at your loved ones and they look at you and you feel the connection that says "you are seen, you are acknowledged and you are affirmed." Sigh. We all want to be seen, right? Take of the mask and look at me. How often do we do that in our day? Rarely, yes?
A friend lost his family in an awful car accident two years ago. A drunk driver took out his wife of 20 some years and their two wonderful, intelligent boys - both under 13. Hit them at 70mph as they were at a dead stop. Now this man, this former father and husband, is rebuilding his life. His DNA certainly altered. Today when you meet this man you get the feeling that he really SEES you. He knows - no grey there - that THIS MOMENT is really everything. No need for b.s. with him. He has no time for it. This man has taught a community of people to look around more. To SEE more. To pass on the love his boys had for life and people. Even strangers. That's hard in a society that teaches kids to not trust a stranger.
I invite you to look in people's faces more often. To pass a spark of life on. It's cool to get it back once in awhile too.
Thanks Gary.

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