Okay....whew. What a week. First off, I had a birthday. Not a biggie, as far as numbers go. It's not what I am feeling inside my body so it's not really a factor is the story. For the record...my internal number is 37. No idea why - just is.
The morning of my birthday - March 2nd for calendar watchers - I sent Mal off to school and hit the shower. I drove to Starbucks, got a Venti and munchie and headed off to see a 9:45 show of "Avatar". Okay, you're thinking...you had me till 9:45 ..?? Well, I was trying to get it all in, ya know? The first 3D showing I could get to was 9:45 so I strolled in to my own private large screen show. Way cool! I pushed up the armrests, put my feet up, drank my coffee and watched in my oversized living room! I even took a call from my brother - who was I going to disturb?! He actually remembered my day without any prompting from our mother. Remember, this was my first Orphan Birthday for those of you arriving late to my blog.
"Avatar" was spectacular. It really touched me with it's message of connection and the idea that we are not separated from our ancestors or God. It was the reminder I needed that morning. After a good sob over the credits...again, who was I bothering...I took my self to the 'loo located right next to my theater and threw some water on my face. I headed out into the sunlight and got into my car. The first song that blasted out of my stereo was "Wherever We Go" from Gypsy. Not too much of a coincidence as I am studying the show but still... I get it! I feel you, Mum!
Drove off to Ferndale to see my good friends, Jeanne and Robert. After a short time in Robert's lovely home, we walked to INYO where we enjoyed a really great sushi lunch! Really YUMMY and I would highly recommend this place. Bonus - we ran into another good friend of mine, Jeff! How fun! The only problem with all this was the time crunch. After hugs and an amazing cake put into my hands - it rocked, Robert! - I drove back to my side of town and a lesson I had to teach. After that, my husband put together a really lovely dinner and after that!!!!, I had to go to a three hour Gypsy music rehearsal! Whew!!! What a day.
Thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes, gang! Thanks!!!
Onto the rest of the week. Saturday morning I was able to give my annual student Vocal Recital at Greenmead Historical Village in the Newburgh Church. I had 9 singers perform and all went exceedingly well! My aforementioned friend, Jeanne, borrowed my daughter for the weekend so we had a chance to do a few things,namely, a wonderful lunch with my charming partner. Later we attended a DSO concert. Highlights include...shaking hands with Mr. Michael York and Sir Neville Marriner! Not too shabby! If you look at the website..we saw the concert the evening of 3/6/10.
The one very surreal thing to come out of this weekend was the situation that finally came to a head for a very old friend of mine. Our girlfriend has meekly fought a battle with severe alcoholism and this weekend was almost her end. Luckily, I am part of a 4-woman posse that gathered around her and got her the support she needed. She is now in hospital and will move to a treatment center soon. Our dear friend may well survive to die another day but she didn't expire on our watch.
Geez, that was one week in the life!. What will this week bring?