This has been a super crummy day! I mean, really! Let me vent for moment...if I may?
First off - I had to leave a voicemail about some really stupid behaviour. If you are trying to lead a large class of children it stands to reason that you don't need competition, right? Every week, the class teachers sit about 10 feet away from me, if that, and carry on conversations about work, family, etc. HELLO! I can hear you , the kids can hear you... IT IS DISRUPTIVE. I lose my train of thought, at times. You don't think it can derail the 3 and 4 year olds?
Okay, moving on. So on my way home I call my bank's automated line for our balance and such. We are overdrawn by $600! WHAT?
Turns out our insurance company did a major oops - took out two months of payments 12 days early. HUH? And we have over $110 in fees to deal with now.. They cannot re-deposit the funds - they will have to cut me a check. I casually mention - THIS IS A BAD TIME OF YEAR TO TIE UP ALMOST $1000, YOU %$#&**..
The dude on the phone understood and, I think, he was thinking...."damn, I'm glad this didn't happen to me!"
Okay, so then I leave to take my mum Christmas shopping. We use a wheelchair now as it really saves wear and tear on her. Hauling that around is a drag. And she front seat drives when I am pushing.. Snippy did not go over well with me today.
Then I get her back with her stuff and get on my way to get to my daughter. Today was the 2nd visit to the orthodontist so she had to get sprung early... There was a smashed car/semi truck accident not a 1/2 block from the street I had to turn onto to get to her. I had to cross the road and drive through that neighborhood to get to the other side of the mess. CRAP.
Made it to the appointment. Sigh. All good. Bad luck over, right? WRONG.
Pulling out of the office lot and onto a busy street I am, momentarily blinded by the setting sun and CRUNCH. I hit another car who is also in the left hand turn lane. No major damage - some to be sure - but we were okay. Spooked, for sure. And I had left my winter coat with my mother to repair so I stood out in the cold with no coat waiting for the police. AND I did not have my current proof of nsurance with me. I had four and none were the current one! CRAP!
To recap...I taught three classes of pre-school music and the kids did great. Yup, Blue Cross screwed up but will pay all my fees. My mom felt better about the upcoming holidays and got some good deals. I came across the accident AFTER it happened. 'Nuff said. My own accident was minor, the lady was cool, we were unhurt, the police showed up 10 minutes later and the dude did not issue me a ticket. Not a one.
So...after looking at all this... Good day or lucky day... ????
Hard to tell.
I need a glass of wine.
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