And it always makes me think "grateful" thoughts. Grateful for the comfort of my family on such a cold day. The quiet of my house intensified by the quiet upstairs - husband and child safe and warm in their beds. I think of all those, in this world, with no such luxury. No safety and no warmth to allow them to relax and dream. I think about that alot.
Then there's the food in my fridge. I went grocery shopping yesterday and brought my housebound mum food as well. Lots of food to prepare, at my leisure... Another luxury in this world, yeah?
The warmth, too, is a gift. I was able to pay the DTE bill yesterday. Lots of folks in the cold this morning and I think on them too.
I thank God for my wonderful husband. To be loved is an amazing thing and I wasn't sure I'd be given this gift again. Whew.
I am grateful for the health and well-being of my child. She is optimistic, talented and aware. Healthy too. How many out there are caring for ill children? God bless you! How many are at bedsides...or gravesides today...? Thank you God!
I think of my ex who is trapped in a world of depression and darkness and I am grateful to be....grateful!
So, now you can understand why I am up and drinking coffee on a cold, dark, snowy morning.
Thanks for reading. What makes you grateful?