Hallo all. I have fallen out of the blogging habit...for the moment anyway. Life has slowed down a bit and it's nice not to have a major rant. Thanksgiving was great. Really great. Mallie and I got our hair cut. Simple joys.
The day before T'Day we drove up and met my friend, Michele, up in TC. As usual, we stayed out at the lake and that is always so relaxing. Turkey Day, us three ladies stayed at home and cooked side dishes and dessert while the boys stayed in town to work with Steve's folks on the turkey and stuffing. We all met up and had a lovely meal. Later another friend dropped in and we played a hilarious round of "Apples to Apples". Know it?
Black Friday we went shopping - in Suttons Bay. Wheee! Lunch at Boone's Tavern and then a brisk walk along the high street to some of the shops. Very low key and very old fashioned. Loved it!
Michele and I drove back Saturday for our high school reunion. It's been some time since I have seen some of my classmates from the mighty class of 1980. Unfortunately, the folks in charge of the evening didn't think it all through. A high ceiling banquet hall room with chintzy appetizers and a D.J. playing LOUD music and a sound system that would not allow anyone using a mic to be understood did not add to the enjoyment. Here we were, trying to talk over all the racket. And a cash bar you had to buy tickets for... And all for a grand total of $40! It would have been $30 but the website that you were supposed to go thru dropped my reservation so I had to pay the higher, after deadline, price. Grrrrrrr.
Really, it is hard to plan a successful evening for a large group of people. It ain't as easy as it looks. I appreciate their efforts but.... yawn.
I think I'm done with reunions.
Thanksgiving was quiet. I had the morning to myself as I was the first one up. I sat for a while just mulling things over. It kinda hit me that, a year ago, I was waking up to the shock of having attended my mother's funeral. Thanksgiving was a distraction and not all that soothing - it's usually my favorite holiday. Nope, I was kinda in shock. Now we've come full circle. One full year has passed. I can no longer look back and think.."this time last year my mother was..."
I had come to the end and it hit me... My parents are dead and they are not coming back.
Dumb, right? I mean, it's been a year for Mum and 4 years for my Dad. It just took all that time for it to sink in. Letting go, really letting go takes time and space.
Guess I was in the mood to ramble. Thanks for reading.
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