January and August... Polar opposites, right? Well, here is the frozen north is it! These two months are very similar, for me. I was in the shower, thinking. (My best place to think.) I came to this realization.
In January, things take a while to crank up. We haven't started on anything really new yet. We are coming out of the hub bub of Christmas. The house is in decent shape because it's been cleaned up for all the company back in December. The grey mornings (and afternoons) make one kinda sleepy. One moves a bit more slowly because of all the layers one wears to get through the bitter temperatures! When you take a long breath you can see it as it comes out again...hanging in the air.
August is slow. It's the end of the summer and things are winding down. It's hot, hot, hot and that makes everyone move more slowly. The last couple of weeks before Labor Day are quiet. The mornings are slower and languid. If you are lucky enough to get out of town now is the time. Mornings and afternoons can be a little sleepy, lazy even. Things are winding down and the roller coaster of a new school year seem like a distant memory.
See what I mean? These months are a good time to take a deep breath. Read, write, think and "compost". Once the roller coaster ride starts it won't slow down till the ride ends and we get off, in August, for that warm breath.
Does your schedule have these "breathing" months in it?
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