WOW! It's been some time since I posted here. Lots has happened! I've had a birthday - a moment of silence for one more year lost...... LOL!
Had a super party! Approximately 40 people crowded into our house for a wine tasting. We tried TWENTY different reds and wow! Blurry vision! Everyone puts $5 per bottle in the kitty - some must have put in more. The take -for the winner - was $127! A Spanish wine took the lead. We had a super fire ritual - although we didn't get all the way through all the things I had written. This is a treat for me to fashion -0ut of different readings/books/ ideas that I have - to put together a ritual that takes place outside, in the snowy evening, in front of a fire. Great! There are always those who are more "into it" than others. For those I guess I should plan a smaller, more intimate party and another fire. I am a PYRO I admit it!

All went well though and thanks to all that attended. It was a great mix of folks!!
This shot is a composit that my brother-in-law made of some photos we took at the NASA John Glenn Center in Cleveland. Cool museum - free admission - if you are into space and all that surrounds the subject. It is a bit weird to get on the base as it is well guarded and you go through a bit of an elaborate check in process as you are on federal ground. Well worth it though!!
My daughter is home today with a fever/cold deal. It's going around and I am grateful she has been so healthy, up till now.
This weekend - my bday was Sunday - was filled with friends, good food, wine, cake and some great intimate time with my honey. All told - a VERY GOOD TIME. Thanks everyone for thinking of me. I do not take for granted that there are people in this world who love me and keep me in their thoughts. Thank you so much! I love you right back!
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