I just had the most amazing dream! It's just 6am and it seems as if I cannot sleep late anymore.... Must be a midlife deal...and it sucks! But read on, McDuff!
So in my dream my husband and I take our daughter to see a Broadway musical and we are with other friends too... We arrive and have pretty decent seats but we are not all sitting together. This is the last time we see our friends...their seats are elsewhere. Now as we turn to look at where we are at we see that the three seats are separated - two together and the single is down the aisle. Hmm, what to do? We ask someone official if there is anything they can do to help.
"Come with me", says a pleasant young man and he leads us down a darkened corridor and down some stairs - "big theatre!" I think! Are we heading to seats on the main floor? Wow, that would be cool! After negotiating some steps we come to what appears to be a big black SUV! I'm the last one to emerge from the dark. My daughter and husband are already seated inside. ????? The car will take us to a better location..(Did I mention it's a big theatre?)
We emerge and walk down some other corridor and are lead into what looks like the backstage area. The only thing that's confusing is the massive board that two men are sitting in front of, obviously waiting to cue the show. We are in the "booth" and the show is moments away! I'm afraid our pleasant young man will lead us right onto the stage! We continue, past the board and out ...outside that is! Now we are in the orchestra pit (Florida? There are palm trees here and there. This looks like Disneyland!) and this young man is leading my daughter to some percussion instruments. We see that other kids are there too and I realize that our friends have planned this to be an amazing adventure. My daughter is lead, past the cellos (significant if you know my daughter!) and to some interesting drums and such... Is it Lion King? Beauty and the Beast? She plays along with the overture and I do the typical Mum thing...I cry. I am so happy to see her beaming!
After that is over we continue to our "real" seats. It's a little lounge and our seats don't face the stage but...get this...a theatre organ! My husband can't resist. (...for those of you who know my hubby....;) He plays another overture piece and somewhere, in the distance, is his friend playing a cool piece on sax.. (This obviously comes from the fact that my husband - in real life - is recording these pieces with his friend this week...and that they will work them into an overture at the Michigan Theatre.
Okay... I am thinking maybe the Disney folks will think this is cool and hire my husband to play on a regular basis! I look around at where we are sitting. I notice there are some tv screens and it's clear we have no straight shot, viewing wise, of the stage.
That's when another pleasant faced dude comes over, calling my daughter's name...kinda like a page. Again, her face lights up. More surprises from my friend! We are invited to come forward and stand at the edge of the balcony to watch the stage below...
And then...I woke up. Ahhh, the mystery of dreams... Kinda like little tv shows that can run all season or have their plug pulled after the pilot episode! Not even, right?
Gee, I wonder what the production was going to be?
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