I have worked through several companies and charities and am having the hardest time donating stuff! Really? you ask. Yup.
I am nearing the deadline of clearing out my parents' house and still have furniture that needs a home. I got to thinking and decided ..."what about the appliances too?" Surely, especially in my home state, there are folks who can use and NEED these things..? I called one dealer and offered to send him photos of everything.
He came back with.."We really don't see anything we want but here's what we will do for you. We will send a truck out, clear out the house, give you $100 and a donation slip, made out to you, for $500."
Glad he is doing me the favor.
I know that he will turn around and sell all the things to other people. He doesn't want to give me much for these things. I am okay with all of that. But don't make it out to be a favor to me ...taking all this stuff off my hands. Just tell me you plan to make a profit and I will at least feel like you are treating me like a thinking person. Come on!
Nope, I have decided to donate as much as I can to charity and that is very hard!!! I found several sites online. One looked promising! A "Furniture Bank" for needy families. Perfect! They will come to you. Drawback - not in the county that my folks' house is in.
Then I found www.DonationTown.org. This group is made up of regular folks who kept seeing a need. They hook up folks looking to donate to the charities that are looking to receive. I am waiting for a reply from Habitat for Humanity, at present. They run two stores in my area that sell items to needy folks for 25 - 75% under cost. It's called a ReStore! I would rather work with the Furniture Bank but - and OH it's a Snow Day here so they are closed for the day - I don't think they will work with me. I will try tomorrow to be sure. It sure sounded like a great fit. Sigh.
Anyway, the old standbys of Purple Heart and the Salvation Army don't do pick ups of larger items in my state. I have already given a ton of stuff to Purple Heart ( it was my mother's favorite ) but that was primarily clothing and bedding. To date...about 30 bags of stuff!!
I have also worked my local freecycle groups and have moved several things that way. That works great for a porch pickup. I have brought everything to my house so people aren't stopping by my folks' house. That made me feel a little weird so my porch is the best solution.
Wow. I am working hard to do this right so I can feel that I have taken care of things the way June and Leonard would have preferred it.
Any one have any ideas out there? Love - LOVE - to hear them!! (Like this lovely oil painting? It could be yours!)
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