We had a lovely week, even with all the rushing about. My friend, Anna, posed the question on Facebook.."What is Easter to you?" Some of the answers were what one would expect...
"He is risen...He is risen indeed."
"Well I think that - like religion - it's an individual choice. Either you believe and, therefore - bunnies are unnecessary, or you don't."
"A special day to spend with families and friends, which just happens to be on the Lord's Day (imagine!) which is my favorite day of the week. :)"
"It's rebirth, redemption, saving grace!"
And this...."Just another drunk week-end. Somehow I'm missing something."
I wrote this..."As in all festival days, it is the gathering of family and slowing down to look at each other. I love the whole walk up to Easter. Holy Week makes you stop and step away from the world and into your heart and mind where you can hear God speaking to you."
This was also Stephen's first Lent as Director of Music and he did a great job! Maundy Thursday service was lovely. The choir stepped up and all anthems went very well - after the heating blowers turned off!! We had a great time with our little band of 7 on Good Friday singing. It's so great to sing with old friends. And then Easter. Before our regular service there is a short gathering in the garden. My friend Jeff and I came down to represent the choir. The ashes of members of our church are scattered in that garden. We were indeed surrounded by the saints. We listened to their names being read as well as those in the Columbarium and have the chance to speak the names of other loved ones who have passed. I feel so blessed that my parents will be remembered, every year, and their names read. A little part of them will hang in the air, for a moment every year, in the Spring. Our church looked lovely. The brass did well and the choir sounded great! Even with a medical emergency in the middle of the service all returned to normal and we were able to continue after a few minutes.
Saturday was spent at home and we had fun just hanging out.
After Easter service we met up with our friends and had a fantastic lunch at a Chinese buffet. Just the ticket! We headed back to their place and relaxed over some wonderful adult beverages as the girls played in a nearby park.
It is good to make your way along Holy Week; stopping to pause a bit,taking it all in, slowing our pace to be in sync with Nature and God. I think that's why we have holidays, really. God loves us to be with those we love. To stop and look around. To listen for His/Her voice and notice all that is good.
Thanks for that!
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