(Late night shot of the lovely Thames, taken by my significant other)Summer....the end of schedules, as we know it. Weird. If I stay up past 1a.m. I am up for the duration. I get my second wind, my cats' eye. It's 1:47a.m.
It's quiet. My child is asleep. My husband is out of town and I feel a bit ...disconnected without him around. Going to bed without him next to me is....not restful, not soothing. Just sleep.
I've been on a late night marathon, these last two nights, of "Big Love" and "The L Word".
What a combo, eh?
I put Mal to sleep and then slip into this weird couple of shows that bear little
resemblance to each other - except that they speak to worlds your average Joe doesn't relate to or know about. I find both fascinating.
I guess it's my Observer peeking out.
I've been on a heavy reading kick. Three biographies in the last two weeks.
Kathleen Turner, Helen
Mirren and Mary Martin. Novels too are cluttering my brain... At least 5 in the last 3 weeks time. It's like Summer hits and I just want to exit my world and enter someone
else's space. I have really been ripping through. The last novel was called "
The Memory Keepers' Daughter". Very good and very intense. The others.....I have no memory for titles
ordinarily. I'll have to make a list of the ones I've been through. Throw in 2 of the Chronicles of Narnia and you get the
What does this mean, do you suppose? I have time on my
Right now, yes. Am I avoiding all the gardening I need to do or the house cleaning or the prep. for some gig? Could be.
Who knows?
Song cue.