It's Tuesday and I am still basking in a glow. This past weekend was the reunion of the 1983 Wayne State University Chamber Singers European Tour. Of the original 29 members we had 22 who made it, traveling from all over the country. One of our members is now deceased. The memory of Don Mulligan was a factor in making this reunion happen. We almost let all that love and friendship slip away under the guise of working, doing and being, moving forward, being a grown up. He reminded us that life is fragile and of an undetermined length. It made us all remember that relationships need to be nurtured and savoured.
Because of his spirit and in honor of it, I threw a party Friday night. What a joy it was to welcome into my home so many friends from the past. The whooping and screaming could be heard from the street, I'm sure.
Saturday was our rehearsal and banquet. Sunday was a concert that we shared with the Langsford Male Chorus. It was mind blowing.
I am still processing this one!
These are two of the lovely ladies from the group. Kim and Robyn, you look great!!! Twenty five years is a long time and you would think that that would create space between a bunch of people who have scattered all over the country. We have all become adults, had children, lived, loved and lost, lived out dreams and nightmares and yet..... Maybe it was the music. The tie that bound us all and brought us all so easily together. It connected our hearts with invisible chords and we all got them yanked this weekend!
Such an eclectic group of people and what a love fest. Across the board, we all laughed, sang, hugged and cried together. As I write this I am still tearing up over the memory.
We made music together and, through that shared experience, touched our youth.
Thanks guys! I love you all.
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