For those of you who were not able to attend Kim's funeral - I wanted to give you a flavor so that it may set your heart at ease a bit.
It was a lovely day - cooler, sunny with a light breeze. That helped. It was a nice break from the 90+ days we'd been enduring.
We met at the church and Kim's casket was there. Folks who had not attended the viewing at the funeral home were able to see her for the last time. She was dressed in the lovely burgundy dress she wore to Casey's wedding in January. Rosary beads were wound around her fingers.
Slowly, we began to enter and sit down. It looked like Kori's entire pom team was already in attendance. I was so happy to see her so well supported.
The priest entered and I rose to sing "Arise, My Love".
Arise, my love, my lovely one come,
Winter is past and the rains are gone.
The flowers appear, it's the season of song,
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.
Who is it that appears like the dawn?
As fair as the moon, as bright as the sun?
Show me your face, let me hear your voice.
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.
Set me like a seal on your heart,
For love is unyielding as the grave.
The flash of it is a jealous fire,
No flood can quench,
For love is as strong as death.
Arise my love and come with me
Before the dawn breaks and the shadows flee.
You ravished my heart with just one glance
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.
Do not arose or awaken love
Until it so desires.
Arise, my love, my lovely one come,
The Winter is past and the rains are gone.
The flowers appear, it's season of song,
My beautiful one, arise and come with me.
I am my Love's, my beloved is mine.
Arise and come with me.
They wheeled in her casket - a fact I was not aware of until I stood up. That was a little hard, to say the least.
The priest was gruff and very down to earth. I wasn't sure how it would be but he did a very good job of it. He obviously knew the family and that was a relief. I have sung many funerals where it was obvious that the person speaking didn't know the deceased. He was humorous and frank. The service included communion and I sang "Amazing Grace" during it. My husband played both pieces for me. The church musician was a young guy with a nice voice and he played piano and sang the service music. The priest did well to praise Kim's children and speak of their devotion to her through this last time in the hospital. Joe got up to speak and thanked everyone. Kim's old friend, Marti, (from SHS days) got up to speak and reiterated how wonderful her children had been and what a fine legacy they would be for Kim.
As the service ended and the casket was wheeled out to the hearse, my husband - a la "Big Chill" - played..."You can't always get what you want.." as a salute to our Stones-loving friend.
These photos were taken at the graveside. She is buried at Woodlawn Cemetary in Detroit. Stop in to the office for a map to her site. The stone won't be put into place for another month. Her mother's grave is kitty korner from her.
We all arrived and watched the complete burial - dirt and all. A light breeze blew and we all felt it was Kim trying to's okay. I'm okay.
I pray that her soul is at rest. I hope you can visit the site. It's lovely.
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