Hi there.
It's mid week and I am already a bit ...at loose ends. It's funny, really. When I am crazy busy I am complaining about time off...time out. Here I am, with a little bit of uncategorized time and I am ...well...down. Is anyone else like that? (Rhetorical question, as my daughter points out, is one I expect no answer to.)
Plus I awoke this morning with my vocal chords seemingly wrapped in wool gak. Why is it the minute I am through a project -or two - my body breaks down? I was still able to teach the Montessori classes today but I sounded funky.
Why do we get so brainwashed in this country regarding our time and what we are worth? If one is a bit leisurely, at all, we are deemed unworthy and non-productive. It's a red badge of courage to say..."oh I'd love to but I am soooooo busy these days.." When was the last time anyone said to you..."well, actually, I'm coasting a bit right now and listening to my inner voice..."
I need to garden. That's it. Get quiet, dig in the earth and "be" for a bit. It's been a bit too cold for that recently. I need to get back to listening.
I have gotten onto an amazing series - HBO series - called "Big Love". Don't know how long it's been out or how long it's been running but I have watched 6 episodes so far and I am completely hooked. If you haven't seen it here is a Readers Digest version.... Bill ("in case you didn't notice we got our asses kicked out there, pal!") Paxton as head of a polygamist family in Sandy, Utah. He is associated with two rival compounds of polygamists as well. These are characters you have NEVER seen on television....outside of the news, that is! Wonderful casting, twisting story lines and some really wild characters! Check it out.
On the horizon, I do have a concert I am doing with Stephen. June 22nd, I think. Lots of music to learn as well as some French. Things will heat up soon enough.
Why can't be happy with where I am this moment???? I talk about it all the time and, sometimes, I can do it. Btw, I do welcome any and all comments, should ya'll feel moved.
Not today. Better luck tomorrow!
1 comment:
Not having a paying job, I find myself with time now days and for a lot of that I take naps. I know this is a sign of depression but I can't seem to get motivated in any other direction. Now that the (aahem!) 'warmer' weather is here I have been a bit more spunky but I totally know where you are coming from. I have always been the type of person that works best under deadline so when there is no deadline I become a zombie. The best thing I can create for myself is to set deadlines. It can be for something as simple as cleaning the house before the weekend. That is one reason I like to entertain a lot. It gives me something to look forward to and keeps me busy getting ready.
Maybe you are this type, too, Rose. Try setting a deadline to accomplish something when you know you are going to have 'down' time. Clean the refrigerator, plant a garden, clear the basement or other room in the house. If you need to, invite people over a couple days into your 'down' time so that you have a legitimate deadline.
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