There are thousands of these freaks out there and here's what turned the tide for me. Oprah showed a brochure on HOW TO MOLEST. No shit. The first panel described how to mess with babies (!!!) so that you cannot get caught! How to make your older girl more "compliant". Jesus, it really made my blood turn to ice. Super creepy stuff and we "normal" folk don't know about it. There are networks of these....people...who go on the 'net to legitimize their filthy existence. See?! Other people are doing's okay. And they trade stuff... The brochure said that pictures were great but video was BETTER.
I felt like I would barf. So, what to do??
There is a new senate bill (S. 1738) that NEEDS to be passed before the Senate recesses late this month - 9/26/08. Please, please, please..take a minute and go to our senators' websites. Let Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow know that this needs to be dealt with. The bill would offer up money to help agencies around the country to implement a new software that can track these...people....and their activities. The offenders can be FOUND and usually a child is somewhere in the background because alot of them use their own children.
Below is a letter you can cut and paste into the form you'll fill out to email these people. It will only take a few minutes. Please take the time. We need to get involved and let our senators know that this has grown too big to ignore. There are kids out there that need the help of these agencies. They can be rescued.
An officer from Wyoming was interviewed and this is what he said when asked how he feels looking at the over 15,000 pictures/videos A DAY of this horrific stuff. "It's like you are looking at a sea of children and you only have one lifeboat. Who do you save?" is the web-page with all the details on this. Please email our senators. I'm not sure I can sleep tonight knowing what I know now about the freaks that are out there...and the fact that there are sooooo many of them. Whoa. Let's do this, okay? Thanks.
Dear Senator:
I know that you believe, like I do, that we must do everything possible to protect children from sexual predators. That is why I am asking for your help.
Last year alone, U.S. law enforcement identified over 300,000 criminals who were trafficking in movies and pictures of young children being raped and tortured. Experts say that one in every three of these criminals has local child victims. Child pornography trafficking over the Internet has given us a trail of evidence that leads straight to their doorsteps, but the vast majority of these children will never be rescued because investigators are overwhelmed, outnumbered and underfunded.
As your constituent, I urge you to do everything in your power to pass the PROTECT Our Children Act (S. 1738, Biden-Hatch). This bipartisan legislation passed the House 415-2, but it is now the victim of petty partisan politics.
Now that we know where these children are and how to protect them, there is no excuse for the Senate to fail to take action this session.
Thank you for your consideration.
1 comment:
What Oprah didn't tell you...(regarding her show (9/15/2008) on Protect Our Children Act ).
Congress and the Senate have been trying to pass bill to protect our children over the past 2 years. Joe Biden sponsered the bill back in 2007 and Sen. Tom Coburn opposes it, saying he wants to stop redundant programs and reduce federal spending.
The more you research Coburn, the more you will learned he is one of those senators that is really trying to cut down on spending. They have even developed a nick name for him "Coburn Omnibus". To counter the spending, he introduced a comprehensive child exploitation bill that would have been linked Biden's Protect Our Children Act of 2007 to the Securing Adolescents from Exploitation Online (SAFE) Act of 2007, minus all the excess bills and spending. But Democrats objected.
You see, there is a battle going on in congress, and this one is between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Tom Coburn. Coburn has stopped many of Reids bills from passing due to abundant Reid came up with a plan.
The official bill is S. 3297, the Advancing America's Priorites Act
Underneith it are 36 additional which includes S. 1738 - Protect Our Children Act of 2008.
In order for this bill to pass it would mean the entire bill would need to pass...and that is why it failed in 2007. Reid is excited to have Oprah pressuring you to help his goal. But before you take additional action...look through the 36 other bills and then question if you are willing to have every family pay at least $65 in taxes for this one bill...when a slimmed down version would only cost $4.93. (see link for pricing)
This email is NOT about the is about creating awareness and giving you the full story before you are convinced by ANY public figure how to move forward. More wasteful governement spending? You decide.
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