Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What to say...

that hasn't already been said ...and felt by so many Americans today. A change is in the air. A sigh of relief for the end of so much political hooey.

So much money being spent on the campaigns when there is so much suffering around the world and in our own back yard. I'm glad for the outcome but did Mr. Obama really need to spend a BILLION dollars?

Or any of the other races, for that matter.

Is anyone feeling a bit squeamish over this issue?

And, here's a few more thoughts to kick around. disclaimer... I am happy over the outcome of this election.

Would Mr. Obama have become the President Elect if he has been a really dark skinned African American? Would he still have been so embraced? I heard today a man on the radio talk about how it took "400 years to overcome the stain of slavery".... Hmmmmm.

What about an American Indian president? History reads that they've been screwed at least as long, right? Now, I know the country ain't ready for that!

After all....we weren't ready for a woman, were we?

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