This is the gorgeous old lady that I was salivating over in the previous post. Isn't she a knockout??
Directly below, that is....

This is a dream of mine to live in one of these magnificent houses. Or, barring that, to make friends with someone who will let me stay there!
These two handsome gentlemen became friends of mine through slightly crazy circumstances. This is another in a series of "Listening to that small voice in my head and trusting my gut" episodes. These Italian men will forever be etched in my mind as "Bimbo" and "Blondi". "Bimbo" is on the right and I met him at Heathrow Airport on a long layover. My flight to Roma had been delayed because of a strike - so what else is new in Roma??? I had several hours to contemplate my fate so I did what everyone else was doing...I had a cup of tea.
I need to go back in this story to fill in some info first. I had fallen for a Lebanese man who was in the Navy stationed in Naples, Italy. He had invited me to visit and so I did. However, after booking cheap, unrefundable tickets he got cold feet. After polling my friends I decide to go anyway and see Roma. I had a friend who wanted to see the U.K. but was dicey on going alone. So we hatched a plan that I would go to Rome and spend a week then she would join me. We would train it to London and spent my remaining week travelling via rented car that she would pay for and I would drive. My flight was from Rome to Heathrow so I would just get on the plane at Heathrow and fly home. All was back on track and I was excited. Melancholy but excited.
It was October - Columbus Day actually! - when I left for Italy. I got off the plane and waited around until I heard the flight had been delayed. I had not booked a room in Rome as ALL the tour books said SLOW SEASON = NO WORRIES on getting a room. I was sitting having tea when this nice, older English gent started a conversation. I reminded him of his daughter. Nothing weird here he was just a good guy. We ended up talking on the plane - now delayed some 4 hours!! When we arrived in Rome is was dark and I was a bit frazzled. His good friend Blondi" would be picking us up and could they give a lift? Sure! We get in the car and this quiet gentleman drives like a MADMAN!!! In retrospect he drove like a typical Roman. It was the most harrowing car ride of my life and I have been in a NYC cab. (I realize that cabs in S.E. Asia may rival this. I have not had the pleasure.)
These gentlemen had a series of long Italian names and so went by these nicknames. Easier for a young American gal to remember.
Anyway, we arrive at my choice of pensione and "Bimbo" inquires for me. Turns out he is ITALIAN! As most upper crust Italians learn English English I was totally blown away when he greeted his friend in rapid fire Italian!! Turns out there is no room at the inn - or any inn on the street for that matter. These lovely gentlemen drive me around till we find a place that does have rooms and he books me there. A great location too! I am only a couple of blocks from the central train station. After making sure I am settled they insist on taking me out for dinner the next night.
That's where this photo comes from. They picked me up and drove me around the city at night - breathtaking! They showed me homes (palaces really) where their families had lived until Mussolini decided he wanted to live in them and turned the families out. We went to a great restaurant where I never saw a menu. These men ordered everything. Then off to the gelato shop for exquisite dessert. At the Spanish Steps we ran into a very handsome couple who I later found out where Mr. and Mrs. Ambassador to some country - really mucky mucks. They all talked about their servant problems and their house in Nice. I began to realize that these men were in the upper class of Italians and why I never inquired into sons I'll never know. Too broken hearted about Assaad I guess. Anyway, it was a wild week and I will tell more about that in upcoming posts.
The bottom line of this long ramble is to say if you feel that things and people are okay you are probably right. I have only been proven wrong - traveling - once. These men helped me and made me feel at home in the Eternal City. I highly recommend you see Rome before you die.
Way before you die.
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