Monday, December 10, 2007


Hi everyone! I'm a bit more in a "glass half full" mode today. Thanks V. and K. for your kind words. Yes, V. it did help!

Today it's a $$ day - that is, worrying about where it will come from. I know alot of us are there - especially in this part of the country. When I get kinda worried about things I have to go back to the old litany.... My house is warm and dry, I have an abundance of clothing, my loved ones are still here and (mostly) in good health. I have food in the fridge and no one is coming to take my car in the night.

Sigh. Still it's hard not to worry, ya know? That's why I posted this shot from the closing night of our last show. It's a happy moment and it reminds me that I am loved. Now THAT'S worth remembering.

Have a good one!!


detroit dog said...

I've only had a few writing and photo gigs this year. I am extremely grateful that AR has a job, and a well-paying one at that. It's scary out there, especially in Michigan. Reminding ourselves of those little comforts takes off a bit of the edge. Still....

Rosie the Riveted said...

No kidding! So Michael King ain't King after all. Wonder why. Also, do you know if Liz is still "engaged" to Robert T.?