An almost daily meander through my life, such as it is, with an occasional flash back.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
To sell my soul.....or no?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

This is one of my favorite places on earth. These are the remains of the castle in Tintagel, England. Tintagel is on the west coast and it is the supposed home of the legendary King Arthur. The building ruins are on a finger of land that stretches into the ocean and is divided in the middle by waves crashing on the rock and wearing it away. Basically, it's a bit of a hike to get where I am sitting - in the below picture - but SO worth it. I remember that it was "closing time" when this was taken and I seriously thought..."I could stay here all day.. What are they gonna do? Hike up and yank me out of there?" Of course, being British it would be a very polite encounter.
I am English as well. My mum was a war bride who married an American serviceman during WWII. She came to this country on ship with other brides

Anyway, this spot is so beautiful that these pictures can still invoke the calm and peace I felt as I looked out from that wall. This was the same view the 13th century inhabitants had. What thoughts went through their heads, I wonder? Did they ever feel the need to get away from it all? Hmmm. I think about stuff like that. What did Lady 13th Century think about as she gazed out over the sea?
When the conquering Normans reached the westernmost land of England they heard that the ancient seat of Cornwall's kings had stood atop this soaring headland, surrounded on three sides by the ceaseless surge of the Atlantic. So in propaganda terms it made sense for Earl Richard of Cornwall, younger brother of Henry III, to build a castle on the spot where his legendary predecessors had held court. There was no strategic reason for the choice, as there had been for the other Norman castles in Cornwall, Launceston and Restormel - and Earl Richard rarely stayed there.
All I can say is it's a great destination and I highly recommend making the pilgrimage.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
"What are you gonna dress as...?"
Monday, October 15, 2007
It IS the little things!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Miss America

This is from the mid 80s. I was in the Miss Michigan pageant and here we are with our chaperone. I am on the far left. This was one of the more unofficial poses...
I was first runner up that year. Missed going to Miss America by "that" much. I lost to someone who smashed glass with her feet. Whatever.
The next year I was performing in Atlantic City at Caesar's Casino - right next door to Convention Hall - on the Boardwalk. I walked over and saw one of the preliminary nights - there are three before the final night. I met the reigning Miss America that year - a former Miss Michigan - on the final night after the broadcast. Cool lady. We would have competed against each other but she chose to wait another year and not come up against me. She was kind enough to point that out to the folks around her. When I complimented her on her FABULOUS gown she said that she had to give it back the next day and that she would sleep in it! HA. Cool lady. Kae Lani Rae Rafko.
Great program. LOTS of scholarship money. In fact, it is one of the largest scholarship foundations for women in the world. I walked away with money to pay for lessons and classes and a piano. Mostly nice, hard working, smart cookies. It's a shame that the program got too tame for television.
Friday, October 12, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Amy the Cat
Animals do have a way of calming you down. At least, that's my experience with cats. We have a gerbil too but it's not the same. Sure, she's cute and all but it's not like she'll stand for any cuddling. Amy is a first rate cuddler.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Love of My Life
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Ladies of the Night ;)
Monday, October 8, 2007
It's a bit later.....now

To give you an idea of the two years I spent with him..... And ladies, here's a dating tip.
DATING TIP #1: If you see a cute guy....get his biz card.
Yup, I was at work when he walked in. He was in a suit and I was wearing no makeup. I felt there were sparks and I was feeling at loose ends so I thought...why not? He said if we had any questions to contact him and so....
DATING TIP #2: Be charming in a note.
That way, if he rejects you you never have to see him again! Hey, it's easy to blow off a guy you've only met once, right?
So I did. I wrote a note that mentioned us meeting and that I felt there were some sparks. Soooo ...could I buy him a drink? I wrote that if I didn't hear from him I would assume that he was either married, not interested or thought I was an ax murderer.
DATING TIP #3: References to graphic violence get attention.
Sure enough, it was the ax murderer line that made he decide to call. So we met at a local bistro and I looked casually fabulous. He was blown away and I was delighted. He bought the drink and dinner.
Second date.....I am not making this up. ICE FISHING with two other guys! For FOUR HOURS.
This guy is a country mouse - loves to hunt, fish and be active in the wild. I am the city mouse. I wanted to prove I could run with the pack. Right.
Third date was ice skating on an open pond. Okay, so I spent an hour on a friend's homemade rink and thought I CAN DO THIS. Never mind that I have not skated since David Cassidy was on the front of every teen magazine. (Do NOT ask who David Cassidy is. That's what Google is for.)
A half hour into the date I fall and break my wrist.
I KEPT SKATING. True it was about 5 degrees out but I kept going. City mouse! HA!
Next day....not good. A cast and pain and two days later he calls to break it off. Not ready .....feeling too much.... not wanting to get involved....and sorry about the wrist.
Good news. He called back 6 weeks later. Been thinking.....can't get you out of my mind.....can we try again....?
DATING TIP #4: Let them go and if they are meant to come back they will.
I went on to more dates, more injuries and lots of great sex with this lovely, tormented guy. But ...alas.... He really did mean it when he said (on our first date) "I never want to get married again or have any more children. You?"
DATING TIP #5: Girls, they really do mean what they say and YOU aren't the one that can change him because you are all that.
Bag of chips or not, LISTEN to them when they said crap like that. Say thank you when they buy you a drink and then go home. He is not the one you're going to marry and have 2.5 children with.
Yeah, I knew that but I still dated him for two years. Go figger.
Great kisser though.

My life as a raconteur... HA! I guess if you "live" enough you end up with some great party fodder. I guess my personal motto would be:
"He/She that has the best stories wins...a seat at the grown up's table."
Wherever that table happens to be... Nirvana, Valhalla, Hell, Michigan or somewhere in the ether.
Have you ever seen " What Dreams May Come"? Excellent movie with Robin Williams! It really sums up my personal thoughts on what happens at the end. Check it out and have a box (make that two boxes) of kleenex at the ready.
Some of you may recognize the famous Irish flute player, Sir James Gallway, in the above shot. (James was knighted in 2001). He is a great guy and, of course, a fabulous musician. He does like to tip one now and again and was in fine form that evening, as I recall.
I think I was too.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Witness Protection Program
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Another Saturday Night and ...whoops! I have somebody!
Sure, now he's cool Muslim Dude but back then he was just a great folksy, gutsy singer. Sigh. DISCLAIMER: I can appreciate where his beliefs have taken him.
About 15 years ago I heard that he would be in Ann Arbor lecturing and I went to see him with a friend. It was the worst event in terms of organization. He arrived 45 minutes late. There was an armchair and a floorlamp on stage. The only amplification was a boom box with a microphone plugged in! No shit. That's how the lecture was recorded too. And when that side of the tape was finished it turned the whole machine off. And so NO Brother Josef until a follower ran over, turned over the tape and pressed record again. Wow.
Brother Josef - (our man Cat and what a cool name btw!) spoke for a time and then an American woman got up to speak on the joys of Islam. She also answered questions from the audience. Now, the audience was not quite so attentive and kind as they had been to our hero. I finally got to ask the one question on my mind for ages regarding Islam.
"May I ask....? I understand that women drape themselves to mask feminine charms and so be more on par with men. I understand that premise and I admire that! However, are you saying then that Islamic men are unable to control their biological urges and so admitting that women are stronger willed and not so easily swayed?"
My question was never answered. She pretended that there was no more time to answer questions and so I guess I'll never know......
Does anyone see my point?
Friday, October 5, 2007
First Day Out
Let's see.... I have travelled alot by some peoples' standards and not at all by others. I have travelled alot alone. One is always able to jump into a situation if there is no one with you that needs to be cajoled. This has let me to amazing experiences.... A few that will appear here...
Communing with ghosts inside "Il Colosseo" at night.
Visiting a well know BDSM club in NYC.
Partying with a middle aged hippie in the now closed down Christiana district in Copenhaven.
Finding the best Okonomiyaki shop in Kyoto after a late night bar hopping session.
Okay, that's travel stuff..
I am kinda new to all the cool linkage stuff so I need to get a bit more educated. I am not that far from the pen and paper days so bear with me.
So.. I am a child of the 60's, a freespirit coming to age in the 80's and a parent in a new century. Whoa. Can you relate? No? Well read on McDuff!