An almost daily meander through my life, such as it is, with an occasional flash back.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Silver linings

This has been a super crummy day! I mean, really! Let me vent for moment...if I may?
First off - I had to leave a voicemail about some really stupid behaviour. If you are trying to lead a large class of children it stands to reason that you don't need competition, right? Every week, the class teachers sit about 10 feet away from me, if that, and carry on conversations about work, family, etc. HELLO! I can hear you , the kids can hear you... IT IS DISRUPTIVE. I lose my train of thought, at times. You don't think it can derail the 3 and 4 year olds?
Okay, moving on. So on my way home I call my bank's automated line for our balance and such. We are overdrawn by $600! WHAT?
Turns out our insurance company did a major oops - took out two months of payments 12 days early. HUH? And we have over $110 in fees to deal with now.. They cannot re-deposit the funds - they will have to cut me a check. I casually mention - THIS IS A BAD TIME OF YEAR TO TIE UP ALMOST $1000, YOU %$#&**..
The dude on the phone understood and, I think, he was thinking...."damn, I'm glad this didn't happen to me!"
Okay, so then I leave to take my mum Christmas shopping. We use a wheelchair now as it really saves wear and tear on her. Hauling that around is a drag. And she front seat drives when I am pushing.. Snippy did not go over well with me today.
Then I get her back with her stuff and get on my way to get to my daughter. Today was the 2nd visit to the orthodontist so she had to get sprung early... There was a smashed car/semi truck accident not a 1/2 block from the street I had to turn onto to get to her. I had to cross the road and drive through that neighborhood to get to the other side of the mess. CRAP.
Made it to the appointment. Sigh. All good. Bad luck over, right? WRONG.
Pulling out of the office lot and onto a busy street I am, momentarily blinded by the setting sun and CRUNCH. I hit another car who is also in the left hand turn lane. No major damage - some to be sure - but we were okay. Spooked, for sure. And I had left my winter coat with my mother to repair so I stood out in the cold with no coat waiting for the police. AND I did not have my current proof of nsurance with me. I had four and none were the current one! CRAP!
To recap...I taught three classes of pre-school music and the kids did great. Yup, Blue Cross screwed up but will pay all my fees. My mom felt better about the upcoming holidays and got some good deals. I came across the accident AFTER it happened. 'Nuff said. My own accident was minor, the lady was cool, we were unhurt, the police showed up 10 minutes later and the dude did not issue me a ticket. Not a one.
So...after looking at all this... Good day or lucky day... ????
Hard to tell.
I need a glass of wine.
Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's a cold and rainy/snowy night. I have spent some time in a lovely hot tub with dabs of snow falling on my head. Sigh. It was lovely.
I sat with friends and family and watched some movies and ate leftovers.
I still sound like utter crap. I sang today and I think I sang myself out.
I found this picture of a cat and it reminded me...a our Amy. What does she do while we are away?
It's a mystery.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Ya know, this Thanksgiving deal... Hmm. Thinking over what I am thankful for. A few years back I wrote letters to some of the people who have really been a blessing in my life. Most were never acknowledged - that wasn't my point - but one of the letters helped solidify a relationship I have had now for years. She finally knows her impact on my life. It changed and charged our friendship and I am grateful for that.
I have written, recently, of my deep , deep unhappiness with another friend. Within 2 days of that encounter of the email kind I lost my voice. I'm still pondering what that means, metaphysically. Any ideas?
For those of you who have reached out to me I say a heartfelt thank you. We haven't talked because of me feeling so low and, obviously, because my voice had flown the coop.
I am thankful to live in a community of gifted, loving and supportive people. Thank you!
And what do you think of my "bird girl"?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Heavy hearted
Do people really know the power of words..? Really??
I am also keenly aware this evening that I have lots and lots of self doubt. I have worked long and hard on this but to - seemingly - no avail because someone planted some seeds of doubt today ...
and they took root.
Someone I love and trusted wrote some very cutting words to me today. I wish I could step back and say.."whew, he is really having a crappy day.." No. Instead I took all those words to heart and it was devastating.
I am walking away from a position I have had for the better part of a decade because of those words. And it was also hinted at that others felt this same way about me.
And no one has said a thing to me. Is everybody afraid to speak the truth? Is everybody looking for others to rip up and glad that they are not the one being judged? I can't be that way anymore. If you don't like what I'm doing then tell me or let me be.
I believe this. I'd rather be punched in the face in the light of day than kicked in the ass in the dark. And having a combination of both does not count.
Okay, so we all talk, don't we? But about those we we really complain for MONTHS and then let 'er rip? That's cowardice in my book.
Whatever happened to..."we need to talk - pull up a chair".
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Where my mind can be at rest....

Tomorrow night is the opening for "Seussical" and the kids are really having fun with it. We will perform the show 6 times from Thursday - Sunday with alternating casts of adults and kids. Each cast has about 65 people. It's alot of color up there!
Mallie is a Bird Girl - they are the show girl narrator types in the show... Cute.
Then it's onto Oz!
See why I sometimes go here in my head?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Hi Elissa!
Just a little shout out to my pal. Here she is with her hubby, Les. These two people hold a special place in my heart. We met in college and Elissa became my roommate. When the idea was put forth that she would be a great addition to the small inner city flat I was renting, I initially thought.....??? We couldn't be more different! Really???? It turned out to be a moment of kismet in my life and I have been grateful for the suggestion ever since.
These two got together in college and have remained a wonderful example of the institution of marriage. I have always admired the commitment, respect and the love they show each other. I understand it hasn't been all roses for them but they have continued together, working as a team and growing as loving, kind individuals.
In the darker days of my life, they offered the opportunity to be a part of a loving, faith based family. The times we spent together - laughing over dinner, reading the day's bible portion , spending reflective (!!) time on the beach - have stayed with me over the years. Guys, you know how much that meant/means to me. They are fun loving, quietly crazy people and I love them both very much.
Thanks for 25+ years of friendship. I'm shooting for at least that many more!!
God bless you both.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Isn't it amazing to think how far our communications have come - even since those college days? Wow!
And, because I am a "mediator" isn't it scary to think how fast we move, on a daily basis...?
Hmmmm. I think it's mostly good....and occasionally bad.
But that is my nature to see both sides.....! Just call me Tevye! (Fiddler on the Roof reference...)
I'm off to make some case you were wondering!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What to say...
So much money being spent on the campaigns when there is so much suffering around the world and in our own back yard. I'm glad for the outcome but did Mr. Obama really need to spend a BILLION dollars?
Or any of the other races, for that matter.
Is anyone feeling a bit squeamish over this issue?
And, here's a few more thoughts to kick around. disclaimer... I am happy over the outcome of this election.
Would Mr. Obama have become the President Elect if he has been a really dark skinned African American? Would he still have been so embraced? I heard today a man on the radio talk about how it took "400 years to overcome the stain of slavery".... Hmmmmm.
What about an American Indian president? History reads that they've been screwed at least as long, right? Now, I know the country ain't ready for that!
After all....we weren't ready for a woman, were we?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
And..what else? More photos!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What a weekend!!

It's Tuesday and I am still basking in a glow. This past weekend was the reunion of the 1983 Wayne State University Chamber Singers European Tour. Of the original 29 members we had 22 who made it, traveling from all over the country. One of our members is now deceased. The memory of Don Mulligan was a factor in making this reunion happen. We almost let all that love and friendship slip away under the guise of working, doing and being, moving forward, being a grown up. He reminded us that life is fragile and of an undetermined length. It made us all remember that relationships need to be nurtured and savoured.
Because of his spirit and in honor of it, I threw a party Friday night. What a joy it was to welcome into my home so many friends from the past. The whooping and screaming could be heard from the street, I'm sure.
Saturday was our rehearsal and banquet. Sunday was a concert that we shared with the Langsford Male Chorus. It was mind blowing.
I am still processing this one!
These are two of the lovely ladies from the group. Kim and Robyn, you look great!!! Twenty five years is a long time and you would think that that would create space between a bunch of people who have scattered all over the country. We have all become adults, had children, lived, loved and lost, lived out dreams and nightmares and yet..... Maybe it was the music. The tie that bound us all and brought us all so easily together. It connected our hearts with invisible chords and we all got them yanked this weekend!
Such an eclectic group of people and what a love fest. Across the board, we all laughed, sang, hugged and cried together. As I write this I am still tearing up over the memory.
We made music together and, through that shared experience, touched our youth.
Thanks guys! I love you all.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Old friends
Those of you who know this guy will say that he looks just the same, eh?
Imagine this. You have an old lover who has always occupied a small place in your heart and you wonder..."what ever happened to...?" And then, out of the blue, you reconnect! Poof! Kismet makes it possible for you to get one day together to hang out in Paradise. The cool thing is that it feels as if you are picking up a thread of conversation started 25 years ago.
Twenty five years is a long time and yet, given the relationship, it can be a heartbeat.
Just goes to show that my childish thoughts of a "circle of friends" who follow you through lifetimes may have some real validity.
Thanks for a wonderful day, Daryl.
Monday, October 20, 2008
More about Point 16
It's a rainy evening and I love being back in Michigan...but......sigh.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Here is a shot from one of my favorite restaurants ON EARTH! This is Nepenthe in Big Sur, California.
It is a lovely, lovely place perched over the Pacific. There is inside seating and a lovely bar but WHY?? I guess if the weather was rainy or whatever but it is sooo great outside.
I was last here almost 20 years ago and I'm not sure there has been much change.... and I love that!
Here are two more photos of the set up at Point 16. The dining area and the wedding area.. Lovely, eh?
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The greatest outdoor bathroom....ever!
The most amazing place. No porta-john here but a real sink/toilet/shower deal. No electricity. None needed as the light is always amazing. You can imagine what it looks like in candlelight or the dawn's early....
Michele is seen here sitting on the potty - not using it - and looking out at the view.
Northern California is too cool.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I arrived on Thursday and had a pretty easy time of it. Michele met me and we went back to her apartment for a glass - or two - of champagne. Lovely Gloria Ferrer sparkling!
We ended up going there later but I'm getting ahead of the story. We headed out to the beach - a 10 minute walk! Wow! It was a breathtakingly beautiful day and I was to have that kind of weather the whole time I was there. We stopped at a little TaquerÃa
(sometimes anglicized to taquiria, is a Spanish word meaning taco shop. In some localities, however, it is used to refer to restaurants specializing in burritos, although tacos and other dishes are often served as well. TaquerÃas were originally street vendors.)
and had a great lunch/dinner. We talked and talked and talked about ...nothing! Because we could!
I had decided Mexican and Japanese would be the ideals for the duration. Friday we headed out to Sonoma and Glen Ellen, CA. Wine tasting!
Monday, October 13, 2008
My day in San Francisco
Home tomorrow.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Blast from my past

This photo was taken some 25 years ago on the steps of my favorite house on Haight Street in San Francisco. I cannot believe I will have the chance to see it again at the end of the week. As you can see, I was overcome by its' beauty. The dumb thing is that, at the time, they were renovating it and I could have very easily poked my head in and spoken to whomever was there. I could maybe have seen the inside of this graceful, charming house but I was too young and meek to ask. Today, I would ask. That's the difference of

This other shot was another wish come true. The chance to see the "real" Rice a Roni sign - the San Francisco treat - on one of the trolleys. Cute, eh? Remember the commercial and the jingle?
Should be an interesting contrast to the city now and what I look like. Not to mention my friend, Michele. That's a picture of her. I've known her for...umm....31 years. Wow.
And my friend, Daryl. I will see him after about 25 years too. This will be a wild trip back in time. Can't wait!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My kid

I am returning to the land of the living...finally! After visiting the doctor three times in 10 days, a chest x-ray and a breathing treatment, I think the drugs are finally kicking in and pulling me back to the wellness shore! My mornings have gotten better although I usually cough like a 2 pack a day smoker, come afternoon. I feel like the nasty cartoon from the Musinex commercial is living in my lungs! PACK YER BAGS, BUD!
I'm hoping to sail through the Fall/Winter, now healthy. SAIL!!!
How are you feeling this season?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is a lovely spot called "Point 16" near Big Sur, California. I am really exited because I will be there next month with my best friend and a dear old friend who I have recently found after some 25 years. Found on the 'net...
- According to a 2004 San Francisco Chronicle article, a location in Big Sur known as "Point 16" is the private property of Congressman Sam Farr (D-Carmel).
- According to a 2004 Monterey County Weekly article, "Congressman Sam Farr's little patch, called Point 16" is "way down near the San Luis Obispo County line".
- This is where my friend's friend is getting married and it looks like we will team up to sing together after all these years. And we'll get to camp. Really looking forward to hanging out in Northern California. It's been at least 25 years since I was in the area and I still remember how great it felt to be in close with the water, the redwoods, the cafes! My friend, Michele, and I will do some roaming around wine country and spent some time in said cafes, I would imagine.
This trip to California will come at just the right time. Sigh.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another opinion
This was a comment that I received on my last posting. "Sandy" is not a real blogger so it makes me wonder who monitors blogs..... Maybe someone/group did a sweep of blogs for this info? There were several misspelled words so it made it look homey.... Anyway, here goes!
What Oprah didn't tell you...(regarding her show (9/15/2008) on Protect Our Children Act ).
Congress and the Senate have been trying to pass bill to protect our children over the past 2 years. Joe Biden sponsored the bill back in 2007 and Sen. Tom Coburn opposes it, saying he wants to stop redundant programs and reduce federal spending.
The more you research Coburn, the more you will learned he is one of those senators that is really trying to cut down on spending. They have even developed a nick name for him "Coburn Omnibus". To counter the spending, he introduced a comprehensive child exploitation bill that would have been linked Biden's Protect Our Children Act of 2007 to the Securing Adolescents from Exploitation Online (SAFE) Act of 2007, minus all the excess bills and spending. But Democrats objected.
You see, there is a battle going on in congress, and this one is between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Tom Coburn. Coburn has stopped many of Reids bills from passing due to abundant Reid came up with a plan.
The official bill is S. 3297, the Advancing America's Priorities Act
Underneath it are 36 additional which includes S. 1738 - Protect Our Children Act of 2008.
In order for this bill to pass it would mean the entire bill would need to pass...and that is why it failed in 2007. Reid is excited to have Oprah pressuring you to help his goal. But before you take additional action...look through the 36 other bills and then question if you are willing to have every family pay at least $65 in taxes for this one bill...when a slimmed down version would only cost $4.93. (see link for pricing)
This email is NOT about the is about creating awareness and giving you the full story before you are convinced by ANY public figure how to move forward. More wasteful government spending? You decide.
September 15, 2008 9:41 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
What would YOU do for YOUR child?
There are thousands of these freaks out there and here's what turned the tide for me. Oprah showed a brochure on HOW TO MOLEST. No shit. The first panel described how to mess with babies (!!!) so that you cannot get caught! How to make your older girl more "compliant". Jesus, it really made my blood turn to ice. Super creepy stuff and we "normal" folk don't know about it. There are networks of these....people...who go on the 'net to legitimize their filthy existence. See?! Other people are doing's okay. And they trade stuff... The brochure said that pictures were great but video was BETTER.
I felt like I would barf. So, what to do??
There is a new senate bill (S. 1738) that NEEDS to be passed before the Senate recesses late this month - 9/26/08. Please, please, please..take a minute and go to our senators' websites. Let Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow know that this needs to be dealt with. The bill would offer up money to help agencies around the country to implement a new software that can track these...people....and their activities. The offenders can be FOUND and usually a child is somewhere in the background because alot of them use their own children.
Below is a letter you can cut and paste into the form you'll fill out to email these people. It will only take a few minutes. Please take the time. We need to get involved and let our senators know that this has grown too big to ignore. There are kids out there that need the help of these agencies. They can be rescued.
An officer from Wyoming was interviewed and this is what he said when asked how he feels looking at the over 15,000 pictures/videos A DAY of this horrific stuff. "It's like you are looking at a sea of children and you only have one lifeboat. Who do you save?" is the web-page with all the details on this. Please email our senators. I'm not sure I can sleep tonight knowing what I know now about the freaks that are out there...and the fact that there are sooooo many of them. Whoa. Let's do this, okay? Thanks.
Dear Senator:
I know that you believe, like I do, that we must do everything possible to protect children from sexual predators. That is why I am asking for your help.
Last year alone, U.S. law enforcement identified over 300,000 criminals who were trafficking in movies and pictures of young children being raped and tortured. Experts say that one in every three of these criminals has local child victims. Child pornography trafficking over the Internet has given us a trail of evidence that leads straight to their doorsteps, but the vast majority of these children will never be rescued because investigators are overwhelmed, outnumbered and underfunded.
As your constituent, I urge you to do everything in your power to pass the PROTECT Our Children Act (S. 1738, Biden-Hatch). This bipartisan legislation passed the House 415-2, but it is now the victim of petty partisan politics.
Now that we know where these children are and how to protect them, there is no excuse for the Senate to fail to take action this session.
Thank you for your consideration.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Not so exciting

This image is from the Jolli Lodge page - a motel on the banks of Lake Michigan and a great bunch of photos at the website.
I am looking over others websites and I see they are much more information-packed than mine.
In my blog world it's just me, myself and I rambling on about whatever comes into my head. Nothing too exciting here.
I do love reading other blogs though. It's like coming across a diary lying open.... you know you shouldn't read it but it's right there with the pages fluttering at you..."look inside..."
Anyone come across anything really smashing lately?
We auditioned for "Seussical" two days ago and call backs start tomorrow night. Then we jump in with both feet and another show season starts. Should be alot of fun although it is very difficult to cut kids from our lists. We had a very healthy 170+ show up and we only are casting about 120-130. Conflicts, ability, attitude...all attribute to the casting. Sigh.
And away we go!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Onward and upward!

Wow, school is open. Amazing how it still affects me. Haven't sat in a classroom in years and still I feel that same sense of renewal, new beginning and the ending of quiet mornings spent reading! Ug.
In the past month I have been to two funerals. One for a friend's mom and one for another friend's father. I have the feeling this marks that start of the "Year of Funerals". Not to be maudlin but I am of the age where the passing of the torch will soon be at hand pun intended. It's a strange thing to see your friends emerge as ...well...orphans, for want of a better word. Grown up orphans. Sigh. I watched my friend divide up her mother's jewelry amongst her sisters, after the graveside service and listened to her musing on the strangeness of it all. "Do you think I should wash these earrings before I wear them? Can you catch anything from a corpse?"
Surreal, at the least. Should I mention that this friend is currently spending some time in a psychiatric hospital? Laughing couldn't make her pain dissolve. It just seeped in a bit deeper.
I miss the Lake. We were there over last weekend with friends. It was so peaceful. It may very well be the last time my mum sees her beloved Lake Michigan and Good Harbor Bay. My friend noticed her looking hard at the water and maybe shedding a tear or two. Hard to tell. We've always had such a deep connection with that place that we always make sure we say a heartfelt good bye and thank you every time we are able to spend time beside it.
It or she? Hard to know.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The last hurrah!
With all this Facebook back and forth, I have gotten away from writing my little bits of snippets of my "so called" life.
Here is the yearly installment of our family photo on the dock in our beloved Leland. I am hoping to be up north for a few days next week to say a fond farewell, for the summer, to the Lake. Her and I have been friends for quite some time.
Here is a shot of river otters that we came across just beyond where this photo was taken. Really took us by surprise! They were so fun to watch.
Two more days of summer camp and then a week to gather my thoughts before another year of school begins.
We start our next production, with auditions, on the 7th! Whew! Off to learn some music!
Monday, August 18, 2008
The summer theatre camp is winding down and will finish this Friday. That, for me, is the harbinger of Fall.
I sang for a funeral last week. It was for my friend's mom. Her and I and another friend formed a "club" when we all had lost our fathers. The "Daddy Club" is just Kim, Kori and I. Now Kim has joined the orphan club. Funny how we still think of ourselves as orphans when both parents pass on. Just goes to show you what a towering presence these people are in our lives. Makes me all the more aware of what I do and say in front of my daughter.
The camp kids did a performance in Campus Martius Park yesterday and it was really lovely. (Love to embed something on the park here. How do I do it???Anyone???) The fountain was lovely, the Compuware building was impressive and the kids sang their hearts out. Way fun!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Ain't we cute?
My hubby is in Traverse City today. He played a concert last night at the Music House
and today he is enjoying being out and around the lake. Gee, I miss him. How is your summer progressing? (Does anyone know how to inbed an address?)
I have a performance tonight. 40+ children ages 5 - 7 will do a show tonight that we have worked with them on for the past 4 days. They are doing very well. It's amazing, really. Should be fun!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Double yum!
Love it here. Check it out for a live view of this place. And you can play with the camera!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Indian Princesses aside
"Send Yourself Roses : Thoughts on my life, loves and leading roles" by Kathleen Turner
"Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World" by Rita Golden Gelman
"In the Frame : My Life in Words and Pictures" by Helen Mirren
"Becoming Strangers" by Louise Dean
"The Memory Keeper's Daughter" by Kim Edwards
"Mary Martin, Broadway Legend" by Ronald L. Davis
"The Slow Moon" by Elizabeth Cox
"The Rug Merchant" by Meg Mullins
Ms. Turner's book was very interesting and open. It's a fast read and it's a little pompous but she has been around the block and these stories prove it!
Ms. Gelman's book was FABULOUS and based on her unusual life. Really cool and I loved it!
Ms. Mirren's book is very good and there are some wonderful ( dare I say frame-able?) photos of her in it. Whew!
Ms. Dean's book was tiresome.
Ms. Edward's book was really, really good and very unusual.
The bio by Mr. Davis was very good. Mary Martin was a very simple person surrounded by complications and others to deal with it for her. Bizarre.
Ms. Cox's book was very good and I really enjoyed the story and the descriptiveness of her style. Ms. Mullins book is very good and very rich although it ends very softly.....poof.
My nose has, very happily, been buried and, soon enough, I'll have to return to demanding schedules and no time left to ponder.